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About Zuru Ling

We are a meditation centre in Vancouver, British Columbia that practices Tibetan Buddhism's Gelug tradition. 


Zuru Ling Tibetan Buddhist Society had its beginnings in Vancouver, BC, in 1982 under the name of Ganden Rime Tzong Ling Dharma Centre. Our two founding board directors, Mary Jane Nehring and Deborah Simpson, first met at a meditation course in California.


In the summer of 1981, while attending a meditation course in Madison, Wisconsin, Mary Jane and Deborah invited Zasep Tulku Rinpoche to come to Vancouver to teach the Dharma. Rinpoche arrived in Vancouver in February 1982. After receiving several requests from Mary Jane and Deborah, he approved the establishment of a Dharma centre and accepted the requested position of Spiritual Director of Ganden Rime Tzong Ling Dharma Centre.


In the beginning, meditation classes were hosted by Deborah and Mary Jane at their houses once a week. They also started Sunday school classes for their and other members’ children. Zasep Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche, and Lati Rinpoche all came to teach at the centre during their North American tours.


Although we had established a centre for meditation and hosting visiting Lamas, we were not officially registered as a Society. When we applied for registration, we requested that Zasep Rinpoche give our centre a shorter name that was easier for new people to pronounce. He chose the name of his monastery in Tibet, Zuru Ling, and we submitted our proposed constitution for registration in 1986. For the following 12 years, we either met in homes or rented space for our centre’s activities. Membership averaged at 14 people, with a weekly attendance of four to six people at meditation evenings and a turnout of 25 to 35 people when visiting teachers came to Vancouver. In June 1994, we purchased real estate to create a home for Zuru Ling. Since then, our membership has increased; regularly scheduled meditation evenings, teachings and other activities are offered at the Center and Zasep Rinpoche visits at least quarterly giving teachings, initiations, and leading retreats.



In 1996, we were fortunate to host His Holiness the Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Rinpoche. During his visit, he gave initiations and commentary, and he came again at the beginning of 1999 for a 2 week visit. We also had a visit from the reincarnation of Zong Rinpoche in the summer of 1997.


Our financial support of the centre is now maintained mainly from donations and active involvement of the members of Zuru Ling. Our centre’s activities and membership have increased largely due to the encouragement and ongoing support of our Spiritual Director and teacher, Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.

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Zuru Ling Tibetan Buddhist Society

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