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Meditation Centres

Gaden for the West Meditation Centres
Vajra Ling, Uralla, N.S.W.
Losang Gyalwa Mandala, Sydney, N.S.W.
Tenzing Ling Centre, Quamaa, N.S.W.
Dorje Ling Retreat Centre, Lorina Valley, Tasmania
Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre, Sainte-Sophie, Quebec
Chittamani Mahayana Buddhist Meditation Centre, Ottawa, Ontario
Gaden Choling, Toronto, Ontario
Medicine Buddha Centre, Calgary, Alberta
Potala Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre, Thunder Bay,Ontario
Tashi Choling, Nelson, B. C.
Zuru Ling Society, Vancouver, B.C.
United States
TsongKhapa Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan
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